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Meghana Narayan
Co Founder, Wholsum Foods (Slurrp Farm)

Meghana has always been passionate about children’s nutrition and health and is on a mission to have a positive impact on India's childhood nutrition statistics. Before starting Slurrp Farm, Meghana led the Public Health practice at McKinsey & Company. Wholsum Foods is the parent company of millet-based children’s food brand Slurrp Farm as well as millet and plant-protein-based food brand for adults Millé. Slurrp Farm is a brand made by two mothers. Founded in October 2016, the brand aims to provide healthy, yummy, and natural snack and mealtime options for young children and their parents. Millé is the recently launched second brand under the Wholsum Foods umbrella. Millé offers delicious plant-based food options that combine millets with protein from lentils and legumes. Millé’s food has high protein, high fibre, and is naturally gluten-free.


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